Germany passes new citizenship law for descendants of Nazi victims (BBC)
German citizenship for descendants of Nazi victims – DW – 06/25/2021 (Deutsche Welle)
Persecution and Reconciliation – Three years of restitution in German nationality law (article in German, Alliance 90/The Greens Parliamentary Group in the German Bundestag, 17 May 2024)
Chancenkarte Deutschland : Information on the Opportunity Card which makes it easier for job candidates from non-EU countries to find work in Germany. It enables applicants to work in Germany without a lengthy recognition procedure. The prerequisite is (at least) two years of vocational training or a university degree and sufficient knowledge of German (A1) or English (B2).
Generation 2 Generation : A holocaust education charity which trains and provides second (and now third/fourth) generation holocaust refugees/survivors to speak in schools and other organisations, keeping holocaust memories alive through personal family histories. (Please see the blog here by Diana Cook to read about her experiences as s speaker).
Event: Persecution and Reconciliation – Three years of restitution in German nationality law ( Article (in German) about the event hosted by the Green parliamentary group who welcomed descendants of survivors of the National Socialist regime to the Bundestag, 17 May 2024 ( website)