Education Project

Stolpersteine zum Sprechen bringen - Making stumbling stones speak

Isabelle Couchman

Over the years we have been asked by many people if we were able to help with education and remembrance. Because these were issues that were close to our heart we were very keen to do something that would practically assist those with an interest in these subjects.  This is why we welcome and are so pleased to share the project of Stephanie Mühlbauer with you. 

Stolpersteine zum Sprechen bringen (making stumbling stones speak) is an educational project developed by Stephanie Mühlbauer in which pupils tell the stories of the families behind the Stolpersteine.

Each podcast include selections from the interviews pupils did with survivors of the families or their descendants. The podcasts (which last 5-10 minutes) can be listened to via the berlinHistory App and the school websites.

Important for the project is the contact to the families and the focus on the lives of people who were victims of Nazi terror. This digital project is following the Stolperstein project from Gunther Demnig, by which 100,000 Stolpersteine have been laid throughout Europe in front of the houses where the victims of Nazi terror lived before. Schools all over Europe can take part in this project and families can tell their stories in the hope that this will never happen again.

Screenshot of Berlin History app webpage

Photo: Stephanie Mühlbauer